User Healthcare Guide

Castlight • Caterpillar


Print / Digital


Lead designer


User Growth Manager: David M.

Castlight Health is a platform that helps organizations optimize employee healthcare by providing personalized navigation tools, integrating health data, and guiding users to the best care options, ultimately improving wellness and reducing costs.

Caterpillar partnered with Castlight to improve the healthcare experience of their employees.


To give Caterpillar's employees a clear understanding of how to use the platform, a dry multipage word document was drafted by Caterpillar and distributed. But engagement was still lower than expected, so they reached out to Castlight's User Growth department to help develop a more visual document.


Working closely with David, I developed a brochure based on the content within the document Caterpillar pulled together that they felt was important and necessary information for their employees. We felt it was necessary for the brochure to be accessible in both digital and print format, so that all employee technology levels could be reached.

The design pulled heavily from Caterpillar's own color palette and visual design language, which consisted of hexagons, and diagonal yellow overlay stripes. The document also required clear product shots that I cleaned up to focus on the relevant elements within the platform.

Browse the guide by tapping through the pages


Employees' experiences with the Castlight platform grew more favorably with usage increasing by 25%. There were fewer customer support requests for basic information and higher satisfaction rates by 10%.